Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Neighborhood Level Meetings

So far we have held two neighborhood-level meetings. Participation has been excellent, with about 60-75 in attendance at both meetings! There are three more meetings to go - centering on the southern, western, and downtown areas. See the earlier blog posting for details.

Please take a look below at the scenario maps and place types. The place types are color-coded to the colors on the maps.

The first map is the Current Trend Scenario, which you will notice has no white space, as it is anticipated that the Town could be completely built out by the year 2035, occupying almost all available land under our current policies.

The subsequent maps show what could result if we increased the density of future development in order to meet the demand for growth, while saving open space (white space on the maps). Just to show how much space can be saved, the third, or most dense scenario, could save 75% of the open land in town!

Please make comments on the place types and the scenarios. Particularly, we have the following questions:

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of each development scenario?
  • What key design principles or considerations should guide development for these scenarios?
  • Is there any development shown in an inappropriate location?
  • What do you think of the mixed use nodes shown at the edges of town?
  • What do you think of the place-types shown? Are they appropriate or not appropriate for Ashland?
Place Types

The maps at the meetings are zoomed in to each focus area of the Town. For the purpose of this website, we are unable to provide those maps at this time, however you can zoom in on the maps below.

Town Wide Development Scenarios

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Neighborhood Level Workshops

We had excellent participation at Tuesdays meeting at Randolph Macon, concerning the northern parts of town. This upcoming Monday, February 9 at 6:30 PM at the Holiday Inn Express on Carter Road, we will host another meeting. This will be covering most of the undeveloped and underdeveloped areas of Town, generally, the outlying areas to the north, east, and south, as well as the built up areas along US 1 and Rt 54 between US 1 and the Eastern Corporate Limits.

As soon as possible, we will upload the information from last weeks meetings.