Thursday, February 14, 2008

2008 Comprehensive Plan Update

This blog is setup as a forum for the Ashland Community to provide information regarding the comprehensive plan, and to provide an opportunity for the public to provide feedback.

This is an exciting time for the community, and offers all of us a chance to help shape Ashland's future.

What is a Comprehensive Plan?
The comprehensive plan is an official document adopted by the Town to guide decisions about growth and development.
The Plan is a collection of policies, maps, and recommended actions.
  • Policies are used to guide decisions

  • Maps depict an ideal future, or build-out of the town.

  • Recommended actions tell us what we need to do to make this ideal future happen.

The Plan tells us how Ashland became what is is today, but more importantly...the Plan tells us what Ashland should be in the years to come.

Once we understand what the community values, then we develop strategies to preserve and enhance the best parts of Ashland, and to seek postitive changes in areas that need redevelopment.

To summarize: The plan says, in effect, When we encounter this situation, we will act this way for these reasons.

The Planning Commission began reviewing the existing plan in Fall 2007.

It was agreed that the old 2003 plan lacked the detail and direction needed to address tomorrow's needs and opportunities.

The Planning Commission agreed to the following:

The revised plan will focus on:

  • Clearly-articulated Policies
  • Detailed recommendations
  • Regional scope, seeking to maximize Ashland's role in the Richmond Region.

To summarize, the goal of this plan update process is to produce a plan that is:

  • Policy Driven
  • Geographically Detailed
  • Forward-Thinking
  • Easy to Use and Reference

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Am I the first? Took a look at the Parks and Rec section to see how much new land (# of acres?) is seen as needed for parks and recreation...especially for passive open park areas. I did not see where this was located? Did I miss it, or has this been determined yet? We also need to address the need for open space that is lost by in-fill development (which I support, but the way). Small lots that have been open (but private) are being lost as this process advances without any seeming policy to replace it. Thanks for the great job all of you do...and expecially for the opportunities for public input. John Newell/Duncan Street